Thursday, March 20, 2014

Embroidery Project #3: Cloth Napkins

Welcome to embroidery project number three! This one was a Christmas gift for my monogram-loving sister. This sister loves to host, and she is darn good at it.  She had just put some final touches on the decor in her dining room, and I wanted to make something to match. I embroidered some "fancy" napkins for her to set her table with when she hosted a dinner, brunch, or family meal. 

My first step was purchasing the napkins. I was looking for a fabric that was sturdy enough to embroider into, but I still wanted them to be soft and luxe.  After perusing the Macy's linen department for quite a while, I purchased these Ralph Lauren napkins in an off white.

My second step was creating a mock-up of the design digitally. After I was satisfied with my design, I tried transferring it in a new way. For the third step, I sent the file to my Kindle Fire and displayed it large on screen. I then positioned the napkin over the screen, and folded it under the kindle to keep it in place. I traced it very lightly with a pencil. You don't need to trace the whole design, just enough to give you some guidance.  

My fourth step was to put the napkin in the embroidery hoop and begin sewing.  I started off with a chain stitch (my favorite!) for the main circle around the M. The detail in the frame and the M are both done in a split stitch. I wanted to incorporate french knots into the frame, but I couldn't quite figure them out at the time (Now, I am a master!). Step five, for me, was to repeat three more times to complete the napkin set. 

My last step was hand washing and ironing. I have read that this helps to "set" the thread. These only took me a few hours to make. Perfect for a weekend project. 

Thanks for stopping by! Check back tomorrow to see my fourth embroidery project! Make sure to check out my Embroidered Infinity Scarf and Embroidered Pot Holder from earlier this week. 

Laterbug Caiterbug.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like you to know (even though i told you once) that I love your posts!! I love reading about your projects because I could never sew like that!
