Saturday, May 30, 2015

What am I doing with my life?

Great question.  
I've been searching for an answer for almost two years now.

Most of you know I don't have a "real job" out here in Seattle. I've been pretty hard core with the job search for a little over a year now. I've sent out countless applications, had some great feedback, been on several interviews, but nothing has come out positive. I've tried to be pretty "whatever, that's life" about the whole thing, but it has been hard on me. I have times where I'll get down on myself for thinking I am a waste of my (2) college degree(s).

I celebrated my 24th birthday this month. Which reminded me that the window is closing between now ----> and when Tom and I want to start a family in a year or two or three.  Maybe a job in my field isn't in the cards for me, and I am okay with that. My conversations about this with God go something like, "That's fine. I don't need a real job. But, if that's not what I am supposed to do, what is? Give me something I can pour 100% into."

He is answering me in a way I wasn't expecting. (Isn't that always how it goes?)
I have a lot to be thankful for, and lately God has been reminding me of people he has placed in life to help me through this weird time. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Custom Embroidered State Pillows: Examples

Here you can view detailed photos of the Custom Embroidered State pillows.
Visit my Etsy shop and start a conversation with my for any questions. I'd love to chat!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Coming Soon: Embroidered State Items

I wanted to give you all a little preview of what some of my upcoming Etsy items will be, and hopefully get some feedback before I take them public on my shop.

I love sewing. I especially love embroidery. And, that got me thinking, "Why don't I have embroidered items on my shop?" I would love to spend more time hand sewing, but I am running out of things to embroider for myself (so I need to be able to give it to other people, haha).

Thursday, January 15, 2015

ThrowBack Thursday

Tom and I went to California this past November to celebrate Thanksgiving with my Grandparents and extended family that live in San Jose. When visiting my grandparents, it is a tradition to look through old photos from our visits over the years and from my mom's childhood.