Saturday, February 25, 2017

Caitlin's Closet

Welcome to the new series on my blog!

The Challenge
Wear every item of clothing I own in one year.
If I do not wear it, I can throw it away, donate it, or make it into something I will use.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Most Popular State in 2016 Goes to....

So I am one of those rare breeds (and no, I'm not talking about being a ginger). I enjoy being creative, but I also enjoy order amongst the chaos (even though my giant laundry pile would say otherwise). Some people refer to this as being both left-and-right-brained.  I tallied up a bunch of facts about my orders. I do this in hopes to recognize trends within my products, and how I can take that knowledge to become a better seller to my customers.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

My New Year Started In February

On January 1st, I was getting so jealous of everyone's posts about their resolutions and goals for the new year. I was still buried in etsy orders from the holiday season for the entire month of January. As of last week, I am DONE with holiday orders. I am very excited to talk about my super fun plans for 2017. But, before we do that, let's review the highlights of 2016.