Saturday, February 25, 2017

Caitlin's Closet

Welcome to the new series on my blog!

The Challenge
Wear every item of clothing I own in one year.
If I do not wear it, I can throw it away, donate it, or make it into something I will use.


1. Downsize/Let Go of Stuff
Whether your collection is big or small, we all have those items we haven't touched in years. Yet, we hold on to them just incase we go to that one event or until we are that size again. Lately, I've noticed I don't wear some items because I feel like they are "too young for me." And I'm like, crap, I've gotten old! It's not called Forever 25, amiright?  I am very sentimental, and have a hard time parting with things that hold memories. And, if you know me well, you know I catalog events in my mind by what I was wearing. For example, I can remember what I was wearing for every birthday, first day of school, Thanksgiving, and Christmas from about 6 grade up to current years. It will be hard for me to let go of some items, but it's time. I mean, some memories aren't so great, so why be reminded? Many of you know of my struggle to find an office job here in Seattle. Interview after interview and nothing worked out. On top of that, I gained about 20 lbs. All my professional/office clothes hung there unused. Basically mocking me every time I went into my closet. Around the time I started my Etsy shop, I decided to get rid of all my "professional clothes" except just enough to go on an interview. It was freeing to not have the constant reminders of not having that job, being that size, or being that age. At first, it felt like I was abandoning my goals by getting rid of them. Instead, it created a sturdier foundation lacking in self-guilt. With the help of Jesus in my life, I was able to be built back up. Even though my confidence is now in a better place, I am still working on letting go of "stuff" and putting God there instead. (Woah, this got deep)

2. I Work From Home
My small business has really taken off, and keeps me busy full-time now. Just call me the boss lady. I work the hours I want, I get the the time off I need, and I sell whatever designs I like. And, I do this all from the comfort of my pajama pants.  Don't get me wrong, most of the time it is great. However, I was one of those people that looked forward to getting ready for school in the morning. I couldn't wait to pick out my outfit, and then style my hair, make-up, and accessories to coordinate. Whenever I wore sweats to high school, people would ask me if something was wrong. My siblings used to say that I had so many clothes that I could wear a different outfit every day of the year. I'm not really sure if they were right or wrong, but I do know that I am very good at mixing up outfits to create a new look every time I wear a piece. I really miss exercising this creative muscle. I've fallen into a routine with my outfits, and I miss picking out something different everyday. I often find myself thinking "I can't get dressed up just to the grocery store" or "I can't waste a good outfit on a day no one is going to see me" or "I have to do my hair/makeup nice, if I put on a cute outfit." Well, you know what, all of those are lies. I will dress how I want, when I want, and as nice as I want. Even on those days where I just need to go outside to go to the mailbox.

3. Connect
I often get discouraged to get dressed in something nice, because most days no one sees me except for Tom and my dog (and my SnapChat followers). I miss having that connection with other people, and not just when it comes to clothes. I love my job, but I miss working in an office where I get to socialize and interact with people everyday.  I hope that through blogging regularly, I can create more connections, and strengthen ones I already have. 

4. Inspire Creativity
As stated in my challenge above, one of my options for not wearing a clothing item is making it into something I will use. Upcycling is one of my favorite creative endeavors. I already have a couple ideas, and I can't wait to see what else I come up with throughout the year. I'm hoping this will open some opportunities for DIY posts in the future.  I used to do so many DIY posts on here, but they got pushed to the side when Etsyland took over. Who knows, this could also open a door for doing hair and make-up tutorials, too!

Disclaimer: This is not a fashion blog.
I am by no means a fashion expert. You might not think my outfits are cute, and that's okay. This series is less about being fashion forward, and more about being creative and confident.

No Eminem Cleanin' out my Closet references.

What will the format be like?
As of now, my plan is to do a post every 1-2 weeks to recap my outfits. So far, I have been photographing myself once a week wearing an outfit, and then taking flat-lays of the other days. I would like to get to a point where I can photograph myself in an outfit at least twice a week. I will also be doing some light journaling and including details of my outfits.

Our closet may look big, and it is in some respects. One side is our bathroom and the other side is the closet. For example, I took this picture standing inside of our shower. Maybe an apartment tour needs to be in the future? Let me know.

Below is an inventory of my closet. I also have some future categories listed (these are "grayed out" in the pictures above) that may get added to this challenge as we go along. I simply haven't had time to take an inventory of everything.  I'm making this up as I go along.

  • Casual T-Shirts: 62
  • Camisole/Tank: 19
  • Blouses: 42
  • Tunics: 8
  • Turtlenecks: 2
  • Cardigans: 42
  • Blazers: 12
  • Jackets: 6
  • Vests: 11
  • Skirts: 27
  • Jeans: 14
  • Other Pants: 14
  • Shorts: 9
  • Leggings: 17
  • Tights: 31
  • Maxi: 9
  • Formal: 15
  • Dresses: 34
Future Categories
  • Pool Stuff
  • Hats
  • Shoes
  • Sweats
  • Misc T-Shirts
  • Scarfs
  • Belts
  • Exercise
  • PJ Pants
  • Undershirts
  • Jewelry

I was kind of nervous to actually post pictures/numbers of my collection. I mean its hard to say "look at all this stuff I care so much about" when it's actually worthless in the grand scheme of things. But, without including it, it makes this whole challenge a lot less challenging. And, it's not really interesting unless you know where I am starting from.

I don't really know where this series is going to take me. Will I see a dramatic change is my closet? Or will I keep everything because I found a way to wear all the things? (Unlikely). Regardless, I'm looking forward to this year, and I will be pleased no matter the outcome. I'm just excited to get creative!

Laterbug, Caiterbug ☺

P.S. I have already been doing the challenge for a couple weeks. I wouldn't say I am an expert level stylist yet, but at least I'm trying! I can't wait to show you my first couple weeks of outfits.

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