Saturday, January 30, 2016

2016 Shop Goals and Personal Goals

Hello all! It's been a while. I feel like last time I wrote a real post was when I had just listed some of my first Etsy products. One year and 288 sales later, we have some catching up to do. MrsCaiterBug's Etsy Shop has gotten more business than I ever expected. Now that I have some e-commerce experience, I really want to push my shop even further and create goals for the next year. 

My 2016 Planner!
I'm writing this post for 3 reasons:
  1. It has forced my to put my goals into words, and therefore they are more thought out.
  2. Sharing my goals with you all will keep my accountable.
  3. It fulfills one of my goals of blogging more - Is that cheating? haha.