Saturday, September 17, 2016

"What Do You Do While You Sew?"

Hello Friends!

Something a little different on the blog today. No DIY or Etsy stuff.

One of my most asked "etsy questions" (which could be whole a post in it self) is "Wow, you hand embroider those. That must take a long time. What do you do while you are sewing?"

There are 3 things I like to do while sewing:
• Listing to movie scores
• Watching light-hearted television
• Watching YouTube

Today, we are talking about YouTube. But let me know if in the future you would like to see a list of my favorite movie scores or tv shows. 

Let's just jump right in.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Remember when I'm supposed to be blogging?

I talked about in my goals post how I wanted to be doing a blog post 3 times a month. I thought this was a challenging goal, yet achievable with some effort. Little did I know the next several months would be my most successful (read: busy) for my Etsy Shop and I would have zero minutes to spare. Or at least that's how it felt.

Monday, April 4, 2016

New Designs and My Inspiration

I have 23 new printable art listings! Yay!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

New Things! ...Well, sort of

I ordered some new things this week, and posted some new listings. I also get to check a few things off my shop goals list, yay!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

CaiterbugCoast2Coast: What did I do? What did I draw?

Hey Guys! I'm back from my trip!

Gosh. Two weeks is long time to be away from home. At least for me. I love my day-to-day life in Seattle.  I missed my husband, my puppy, my friends, and my business.  However, I did get to see some pretty great people while I was gone, so that made it worthwhile. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Scripture Prints: Request List

In the near future, I will be going on a 2 week long trip to the East Coast. I am super optimistic that I can use this time away from the shop to my advantage. One of my 2016 goals is to double my inventory of printable art. This means I have about 70 prints to make.  I think this time away (with a lot of plane rides) is the perfect time to get a large chunk of my sketching done. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Print for Bri

You may have seen my posts on Facebook several weeks ago when I found out my friend Brittany was in a paragliding accident. It happened while she was vacationing in South Africa with her two best friends, Lauren and Ashley. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

2016 Shop Goals and Personal Goals

Hello all! It's been a while. I feel like last time I wrote a real post was when I had just listed some of my first Etsy products. One year and 288 sales later, we have some catching up to do. MrsCaiterBug's Etsy Shop has gotten more business than I ever expected. Now that I have some e-commerce experience, I really want to push my shop even further and create goals for the next year. 

My 2016 Planner!
I'm writing this post for 3 reasons:
  1. It has forced my to put my goals into words, and therefore they are more thought out.
  2. Sharing my goals with you all will keep my accountable.
  3. It fulfills one of my goals of blogging more - Is that cheating? haha.